Mind Sparks® Mind Sparks Scramble Ramble Word Game, Assorted Components, Assorted Sizes, 200 Cards
This word game is for the imaginative reader to create their own fun sentences. It contains durable cards to hide and seek in your play area. Build the silliest sentence before the timer runs out! Use the image cards for those just starting to read. Create your own word or drawing with the dry erase cards. Game includes 200 cards (125 word, 65 image, 10 dry erase), four black dry erase markers, a fun mouse-shaped bell timer and an instruction sheet.
Scramble Ramble® can be played with one player or multiple players, so decide if you want to play as teams or solo.
How to Play as Teams:
Gather a group and let’s get started! Each team can consist of one to three players. Choose someone to be the “Hider” who will be responsible for hiding the cards around the play area. Cards should be shuffled and hidden face down. The Hider should estimate 10 to 15 cards per team playing. Once the cards are hidden, set the timer to 5 minutes, or other desired time.
When the time starts, the teams need to scramble to find enough cards to create a sentence (around 10 to 15 cards). Begin your sentence with a card that starts with a capital letter. If you find a blank dry erase card, use the dry erase marker to create your own word or image card! Some cards have images as an aid for early learners.

Whoever makes a complete sentence first before the time is up wins! If there is a tie, the Hider can judge the best sentence.
If the time runs out before any teams have completed a sentence, all teams must stop building their sentence. The Hider can add one minute to the timer, and players can resume sentence building. Whoever completes a silly sentence first, wins. The Hider can repeat this process as many times as necessary to allow players to complete their sentence and a winner to be determined.
Play as many rounds as you would like, and alternate who hides the cards. To make the game more challenging, decrease the amount of time allowed each round.
Mix it up by having the Hider choose a theme each round. For example, create the scariest or funniest sentence. Once the time is up, the Hider judges all the sentences and selects a winner. Remember to find any hidden cards not found during regular play, and put them back into the box for the next time you play Scramble Ramble™!

How to Play Solo:
Shuffle the cards and deal 10 to 15 cards face down. Set the timer for how long you would like to play. Once the time starts, flip your cards face up, and begin creating your own silly sentence before the time runs out!
Begin your sentence with a card that starts with a capital letter. If you find a blank dry erase card, use the dry erase
marker to create your own word or image card! Some cards have images as an aid for early learners.
If you complete your sentence before the time is up, challenge yourself by decreasing the time each round. You could also choose a theme for your sentence before you begin, such as scary or funny.

Core Standards
Reinforces Language (ELA)
Extra practice in these core standards for grades K through 4:
Sentence building
Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Produce and expand complete simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts.
Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences
Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.
Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons.