Today we celebrated 10 years since acquiring the Riverside Paper Company. This acquisition brought Pacon a wealth of resources, including employees, brands and history.
Founded in 1893 as Riverside Fibre Company along the shore of the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin, the small pulp mill settled in among other manufacturing establishments in the area. The small company rapidly expanded in size, machinery and capabilities.
Unfortunately in May of 1905 a fire burned the building down, but the mill was rebuilt and opened again in November of the same year.
The Appleton Daily Post, a local newspaper, wrote about the fire, as well as the reconstruction. "The new plant," the paper wrote, "will be of brick and steel and modern in every appointment." Below is a newspaper clipping regarding the fire.
Led by entrepreneurs, Riverside continued to flourish through both World Wars, and endured changes in management, ownership and corporate identities. Pictured below is a photo of employees in 1942.
Great brands such as Tru-Ray®, Ecology® and, of course, Riverside® were established by the Riverside Paper Company. Below is an ad published in 1964 for Tru-Ray® Construction Paper.