Fall Globe

Products Used

Additional Products

  • Paper Plate
  • Scissors
  • White School Glue
  • Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils or Paint


Project Details

A fun twist on the classic snow globe... LEAVES! The perfect activity for the fall season.


  1. Trace the plate on the White paper and cut out the circle. Draw your tree without on leaves on the paper.

  2. Cut approximately 24 leaves out of construction paper. 


    Note: We used a cutting machine for this example with all the same sizes and same style of leaves, but you could cut varying sizes and types to make it even more interesting!

  3. Cut out the center of the plate and cover the hole with cellophane. Glue the edges on the inside of the plate.

  4. Sprinkle the leaves onto the tree and glue the plate on top of the paper. Let dry and enjoy!

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