Magic Wand

Additional Products

  • Assorted Metallic Twists (optional)
  • Clear Tape & 2-Sided Tape
  • Small Dowel
  • Scissors
  • Printer (to print out pattern)

Project Details

Conjure up a mystical time with this magic wand!


  1. Make the Wand: Take one sheet of any color Card Stock and roll 2-1/2 times to form a tube. Secure edge with tape. Decorate tube by adding your choice of metallic twists or Creativity Street® Stems.

  2. Using the Stars Pattern (Stars.pdf) cut out three large stars, three medium stars and four small stars out of any color card stock. With 2-sided tape, add small stars to the wand.

  3. Add the Magic: Twist three longer metallic twists or Creativity Street® Stems, any color, around a dowel. Tape the three large stars to one end and tape the other end to the inside of the tube. Next cut three shorter metallic twists or Creativity Street® Stems, any color, and curl around dowel. Tape the three medium stars to one end and tape the other end to the inside of the tube.

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