Project Details
This project can be used in recognition of:
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day –3rd Monday of January
• Black History Month – February
• UNESCO World Day for Cultural Diversity – May 21
• United Nations’ International Day of Peace – September 21
• National Multicultural Diversity Day – 3rd Monday in October
• Anytime a lesson focuses on student Involvement in America’s future
Download the printable instructions and template below.
Have each student choose a sheet of construction paper. Offer them colors that are multicultural, or bright colors, to represent diversity and unity.
Have students trace their hand on the construction paper and cut out the shape. Optional: Use the Hand Template included in the project instruction download above.
On a large piece of paper or Poster Board on which the teacher has already drawn a peace symbol, ask students to glue their hand-shaped cut outs to complete the symbol. Students may cut more than one hand shape if required to complete the peace symbol.
In the empty space around the peace symbol, have each student write a statement about a dream they have for America, what peace means to them or how they can be a part of letting freedom ring.